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VIDEO TRANSCRIPTION – Movie Sword and knife or dagger fighting tip two what’s some cool sword choreography to do with a movie short sword and knife or dagger that’s what we’ll answer in today’s video. Hi, my name is Dillon Wilson with CBT stunt alliance. Train hard, perform easy. We help actors, sound performers, filmmakers, and content creators learn professional stunt training for use in film, tv, and live action performances.
Learn more about Dillon Wilson
(BACK) See FREE Movie Sword & Knife Training Tip 1 of 2: Grips Postures & Stances
(ADVANCE) See FREE Movie Shield & Sword Training Tip 1 of 4: Posture and Stances
Before we get underway, if you’re interested in adding baton, short sword, sword and dagger, even sword and shield, movie fight choreography to your current acting or stunt performer skill set, check out our highly popular online master course at www.ShortSwordMovieFighting.com , you can learn attacking angles, Sword fight choreography, sword and dagger, sword and Larry Shield, even how to market your career. You can sign up now and start training now. Go to www.shortswordmoviefighting.com for more info.
Okay, so we get a lot of questions about movie baton and shortsword fighting tips, so we’re going to share a few things with you now, I’m actually an experienced stunt coordinator turned full time director. This is something I plan to do from the beginning of my career up to and including even attending and graduating film school as director. Now, along my journey, I learned that being a stunt coordinator made me a better director, and being a director made me a better stunt coordinator. And what this means to you is that I can offer insights and experience from both sides of the camera as well as all phases of production. When we thought about what would help you the most, we decided to put together this free video course that will cover the basics of movie baton and short Sword movie fighting techniques. This way, you can use it for your real upcoming auditions and even your own content. For actual performances and highly competitive auditions, you need more training like we provide in our highly popular online master course.
Why does this work? Because for self tapes, many sword auditions, mocap, and performances, you just have to look like you know how to use a, ah, movie baton or short sword. If you’re not the lead or a featured fighter, you’re going to throw anywhere from zero to two strikes and then you’re killed. Anyway, check out this following clip to see this in action.
Now, how many strikes did each performer get to throw in that action sequence? so in this video we’re going to cover some movie Sword choreography to do with the short sword and knife or Dash
All right in this instruction we’re going to learn the alternating two choreography um which is actually pretty cool again incorporating some of the stuff that you learned so I’m going to talk you through and Jay’s going to demonstrate it so what’s going to happen is it’s going to be a right angle 11 a right angle nine so a we’ll say J is a it’s going to deliver a right angle 11 to the knee he’s going to re chamber to his shoulder and bring a right angle nine and hold the angle nine out there angle nine should be horizontal right so right angle 11 to the shoulder right angle nine now B is going to do the same exact thing and just stay where you are with the angle nine out out stretch J B is going to also do an angle 11 which is going to intercept their 11 and the angle nine just like he did in the previous the previous alternating CA now though once you hit the angle nine the left the knife hand is going to do an angle 13 on their on their sword right and we’re aiming in the upper one third of the sword not near their hand it’s going to do an angle 13 and that angle 13 is going to push their sword down and we going to do a weapon underpass to the other side B will then take the right hand and do a right 10 when do the right 10 a is going to shield with their sword with their knife rather going to shield with their knife remember just like the combat purpose of the Shield is to protect and safeguard your life.
That’s the primary combat purpose of the knife when you have sworded knife remember this is a secondary weapon so it’s it’s a shield first and foremost so once again a is going to deliver an angle 11 then an angle rechamber then an angle nine B is going to be responding with the angle 11 and angle n then it’s going to be an angle 13 with the n in the upper one third portion of the sword doing a weapons underpass then we bring in the right 10 and then a Shields it with her knife that’s end the choreography and we’re going to demonstrate that now and then we’re just going to repeat it. All right so Jay, let’s go ahead we’re going to demonstrate this since you’re attacking first let’s start further back this way okay from natural posture all right and go M continue and you see how he continues just to Loop it make sure you go to the shoulder boom and let’s go we’re going to I’m going to step forward we’re going to move back that way as you do it now continue see it doesn’t matter with the footwork very good continue keep moving back excellent job.
Jay let’s do it one more time coming back this way slow it down there go one more time back to the shoulder each time lighter you should not be hearing all that sound one more time I’m going to back it up and stop excellent very good so you observe how it works I’m going to do it one let may have you stand back there here’s how you should be looking when you’re doing it I’m going to do a three quarter View so if we’re here starting a natural posture here here right they pass it here that’s a choreography one more time boom boom boom that’s it now do bees choreography boom boom boom one more time this is be’s choreography boom boom boom that’s it each um partner has a four-beat attack so it’s eight beat choreography four beats all together and what you notice is this incorporates some many other basic.
Some the other basic techniques like the the weapon underpasses weapon overpasses you know even shielding and stuff with the KN remember doesn’t matter what weapon you have you know so when you’re when you get the choreography down one of the funnest things to do once you learn this is to put other weapons in your hand other than the Knight so like some of the ones we covered in previous video and you’re going to observe that you look amazing it looks pretty good with just PVC right Jay’s looking pretty awesome with just PVC if I were to put a hunga in his left hand and a kascar or ninja in his other hand or you know any type of other sword or weapons pairing combination look amazing too now one last thing you notice when we practice Jay does did A’s choreography and he looped that I did just B’s choreography and I looped that right yet the way we could also practice is by by reversing it so he could do A’s choreography while I did B and then in the very next one we could Loop in I could do A’s choreography and he could do B’s choreography.
Sword and knife training drills
This is what you can do if you have a partner you kind of flip it back and forth if you’re practicing by yourself you’re still going to do it that way do A’s choreography first like you saw me do visualizing B and then do be choreography visualizing EG if you make this investment in yourself it will pay off because C you know your performance doesn’t lie and the camera doesn’t lie you’ve been putting this stuff up on social media or using any of the the stuff we talk about in the marketing portion you know of this course you know people are going to notice you so stop the video now and give this a try broken down step by step to ensure you learn it both easily and quickly lastly we’re going to share a few Pro tips with you yeah before we do check this out.
So if any of the topics that we covered are of interest to you definitely head on over to our website and take the free video tour now share a pro tip with you Pro tips when practicing dual wielding make sure that you take your time focus on each feat and performing a picture perfectly the this also includes a dual wielding also includes the sword and large Shield it actually is a form of dual wielding your Shield is actually an offensive weapon as well in addition to being defensive now why is this the tendency is that not even just for newbies yet when people learn choreography is they think about the choreography as a whole they think about the whole cake instead of thinking about the individual ingredients that go into the cake and so when they’re focused on the whole cake they mess up the individual ingredients that go into the cake so they’re If instead of you know performing each beak picture perfectly they’re in their head thinking about getting to the last part of the choreography which causes them to mess up the choreography.
The other thing is when the storm coordinator or fight cougar gives you notes and notes are feedback right or even the director sometimes gives you notes you damn well better listen and get it right there is a saying here in the in the states that you know the stunt coordinator tells you gives you the same note more than once you’re fired and they may not fire you that day yet you won’t get invited back the next day or they won’t have you on future projects that’s you know and that’s not wrong that’s that’s one I don’t disagree with because if you’re presenting yourself as being a professional St performer or a a trained action actor you’re held to a greater standard you better come to the table and and be correct right or don’t tell people that you’re a professional stunt performer or that you’re an action actor say look I’m an actor I I took a stunt seminar one time and be honest with it right yet if you’re if you’re positioning yourself and marketing yourself as a professional stunt performer or action actor you need to know your stuff right to come to set and come correct so if someone gives you a note you need to be able to correct it right away.
Sword and knife training near me
I’ve worked with stunt performers before who had started stun coordinating you know as well they PR themselves a stun coordinator said they’ve been doing it for years and I had to give them the same note like nine times I never worked with them every game even future projects I had them earmark for once I work with them I said.
I can’t work with you anymore right and that’s just the norm who wants to eat up all that time investing in in a person who doesn’t pay attention to detail and and doesn’t do what this what we’re sharing with you in this Pro tip so the key thing to remember is if there’s four beats I’m going to share this we’re going to share this with you in a moment if there are four beats in the choreography focus on all four beats one at a time so let’s say if you know we’re here and it’s just like an angle 10, angle 9 and an angle five that’s it right 10 9 5 10 10 9 5 like that well here’s what some people will do they’ll be so focused on getting here to getting to this position 10 9 5 that they’ll mess this up this becomes a one or a 13 this becomes a four and then this becomes a five like this we’re supposed to be 10 9 5 they’ll go one four five completely changing around a choreography right because they’re up in their head so as long as you’re focused on each one and do it slowly angle 10, angle 9 angle five angle 10 angle 9 angle 5 angle 10 angle 9 angle 5 if you do that you’re going to pick up the choreography very easily remember most of the sore fighting choreography is not that many strikes a series of individual engagements you know maybe some might have six you know.
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If that so if you’re the one on set on an audition or or on set who is picking up choreography like this stun coordinator fight choreographer shows you one time which is what you know we do I do and and members of our stunt team as well they show you one time and you get it every stun coordinator has their short list of talent that they tap for different things soever they get a project that calls for sword fighting there’s a short list of talent that they know they are good with sword or if they’re good with baton or good with you know spear or any any type of martial arts weapons or who are really good at stunt fighting they have a list of people short list that they always go to you follow the stuff that we’re sharing with you in the master course and even these Pro tips.
You’re going to make that short list cuz that’s your career and the more stunt coordinator short list you make it on the more consistent your jobs and the longer and more productive your career is going to be.
All right, make sure you like this video and smash that subscribe button so you don’t miss out on our next training video. Also, make sure you sign up for our pro stunt tips email newsletter to get professional movie baton and short sword fighting tips in your inbox.
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Lastly, if you like more information about our highly popular online movie Baton and short sword fighting master course, go to www.ShortSwordMovieFighting.com , or click on the link below this video. Again, my name is Dillon Wilson with CBT stunt alliance. Train hard, perform easy. Don’t miss our next video when we share with you another movie baton and short sword fighting tip.