Finally, Get The BEST Stunt Training & Stunt Classes You Need To Grow Your Career In The Palm Of Your Hands!

Now There’s NOTHING Holding You Back!
If you’re searching for ‘stunt training near me’, ‘stunt classes near me’ or ‘stunt training classes near me’ realize that 1,000s of people every year wake up 1 day and decide that they want to get stunt training and stunt classes too. Their reasons range from wanting to launch or grow their career in stunts, acting, filmmaking or even content creation. Yet they soon discover that there are many roadblocks and challenges that they must overcome to realize their goal and dream. These can be summed up in 4 major challenges: Location, Convenience, Availability and Cost
1) Location – Many good stunt classes and training are usually located FAR away from where you live, sometimes in other countries, and just are too far and expensive to get too.
2) Convenience – It’s very common for stunt classes and training to only be offered when the school has time to offer it as many of the school owners are still actively working in the film & TV industry. So their schedules vary from day to day making the days and times of their classes also vary from day to day and month to month. Cancellations and rescheduling of their classes is very common. This oftentimes makes eager students have to wait for months even years to get training or they just give up altogether.
3) Availability – Adding to this, many students have careers or work jobs where they just simply can’t take off for a week or 2 at a time (whenever the school is available to offer stunt training) and travel to train. Or the stunt class days and times are only offered during days and times when the students themselves are working.
4) Cost – Let’s face it, quality stunt training and stunt classes taught by QUALIFIED, EXPERIENCED, LICENSED and sometimes even CERTIFIED stunt professionals is NOT cheap! It’s very common for students to simply not have the money to get the training they want and need to realize their dreams.
How To Finally Get The Stunt Training & Classes You Want
On Your Schedule Without Having To Travel
Or Empty Your Bank Account In The Process
If you’re search for ‘stunt training near me’, ‘stunt classes near me’ or ‘stunt training classes near me’ brought you to us, then the universe may be speaking to you. Whether you’re an actor wishing to make yourself more marketable to producers and directors, an experienced stunt professional wishing to expand their skills and knowledge, a beginner just getting started in stunt performing or even a filmmaker or content creator interested in leveraging action in your own projects, we’ve got the PERFECT SOLUTION for you.
PRESENTING! C.B.T. Stunt Alliance Online Action University – Stunt Classes and Stunt Training for Newbies & PROs.
We listened to your problems and concerns and we heard you. We designed all of our classes with you in mind the entire way. We know what it’s like to have a burning desire in your heart to be a part of this wonderful film and TV industry yet not know where and how to start.
So here’s what You Get:
1. All Our Instructors Are Qualified, Recognized & Experienced Industry Professionals. Where needed, they are also certified, permitted and licensed as well. Each course lists your instructor’s credentials.
2. Instant Access To Online Stunt Training & Stunt Classes near me (near you) – You don’t get any ‘nearer to me’ than your own cell phone, mobile tablet or computer Lol! That’s right you can now simply login ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD via your cell phone, or other device, and start your stunt training any time of the day, day of the week or season of the year. You don’t have to coordinate schedules, ask permission. Nothing. Just login and GO!!!
NOTE – This means you can sign up for a stunt class RIGHT NOW…and get started…RIGHT NOW!
3. Complete ‘A to Z’ training – ALL of the online video courses listed below are complete and cover ALL THE CLASSES & TRAINING YOU NEED to know to get started and growing in ‘The Biz’. No previous training or experience necessary! We take you by the hand and show you step by step everything you need to know. Plus since they’re pre-recorded videos, you can watch them as often as you want, as many times as you want, at ANY DAY OR TIME you want to get it right for your next role or audition.
If you were to attend these courses in person, they would be multiple stunt training classes offered over several months because you can only teach so much at 1 time. Yet now you get all the classes up front to learn at your own pace and convenience. (Read each course below to learn more)
4. Membership In Our Private Online Stunt Community – simply attending a class 1 time isn’t enough for you to learn anything and RETAIN it, so we also include a membership in our private online community of stunt professionals, stunt coordinators, gun armorers for Film & TV, technical advisors, acting coaches, filmmakers and more where you can ask questions, receive invaluable resources, even job opportunities and more!
5. Stunt Training Class Cheatsheet – One of the most effective ways to learn and RETAIN what you leaned for use later is with a cheatsheet. These E-Z to use cheatsheets list what you learn in each class along with tips and tricks to use to learn and retain the information even better. Plus, they’re designed for you to save it on your phone or print it out and keep it in your pocket for when you decide to practice what you’ve learned!
6. Access to our MONTHLY ‘Sharpen & Polish’ Video Conference Lab – 1x each month, we hold our online ‘Sharpen & Polish’ Video Conference Lab where we have students from all over the world bring their questions and we answer them in real time. We also observe your performance and make any corrections or improvements to your technique and form as well. We even give you feedback on any choreography or scene work that you’re doing that involves using the training that you received. We help you literally sharpen and polish yourself for any upcoming auditions, roles or projects! This is for your Entire Career!
7. Professional Certifications – Each of our stunt training classes gives you an opportunity to become certified upon successfully passing an online quiz and a video final exam. Your certificate is very professional, authoritative in design and lists your name and what you have been trained in. Plus it’s formatted so you can easily upload it to your actor, stunt performer or production profiles in the various casting sites so you will definitely stand out from the crowd. Your certificate will be emailed to you upon successful completion of the stunt classes and course.
8. PREMIUM Email Support – Believe us…you WILL HAVE QUESTIONS! Lol! Sometimes you may not want to post them in our online stunt community. Well you can simply email us with your questions and we’ll answer them. Now you’re not in it alone! You have experienced stunt professionals riding shotgun for you every step of the way.
Read Over Each Stunt Training Class & Course We Offer Below for More Information:
How To Become A Stunt Performer & Action Actor MASTERCOURSE
See All That Comes with it at –
Here is Everything You NEED TO KNOW To Get Started As an Action Actor, Stuntman, Stunt woman OR, if you’re already a Stunt Performer, to GROW Your Career To The Next Level. This course is the MOST COMPLETE RESOURCE for teaching you the skills & mindset for what you must know AND MAINTAIN – step by step basic and advanced low falls, medium low falls that are used on most film sets, the 7 Most Used Pratt falls in film & TV that 90% of stunt performers NEVER learn, Theatrical C.B.T. (if you NEVER trained in martial arts before we teach you all the basic punches and kicks you will use throughout your entire career!), basic and advanced ‘fighting for camera’ theory & techniques, actual professional fight choreography, how to perform a variety of the most used stunts & action sequences, how to put together a ‘Killer Reel’, how to effectively market yourself so you work CONSISTENTLY (hint- and it aint just pestering stunt coordinators!), and much much more! This is our NUMBER 1 selling course! Click the button below to see why!
Tactical Firearms Training for Film & TV – Pistol & Revolver MASTERCOURSE
See All That Comes with it at –
A complete Tactical Pistol & Revolver firearms training course for Film & TV actors and stunt performers. Learn how to hold and fire tactical pistols and revolvers properly, perform various types of reloads, Bad Ass pistol disarms, how to effectively use pistols WHILE doing scene work and more. Got an upcoming audition or performance? Enroll today and learn today!
Introductory Price: $99
Tactical Firearms Training for Film & TV – Carbine, Sniper Rifle & Shotgun MASTERCOURSE
See All That Comes with it at –
A complete tactical firearms training course for Film & TV actors and stunt performers. This course covers how to use the M4, shotgun, AK 47 and sniper rifles. Learn how to hold and fire carbines properly, perform various types of cinematic reloads, Bad Ass rifle disarms, how to use rifles WHILE doing scene work, shotgun techniques and more! Got an upcoming audition or performance? Enroll today and learn today!
Introductory Price: $125
Martial Arts Training for Film and TV – 2 Handed Sword & Lightsaber MASTERCOURSE
See All That Comes with it at –
Start auditioning and getting booked for roles that call for the use of 2 handed swordplay! Learn everything you need to know about how to safely use a 2 handed sword or lightsaber in action fighting sequences – from grips to sword draws and resheathing, to learning actual 2 handed sword fight choreography! Don’t lose out on any more gigs because you never learned how to use a 2 handed sword or light saber!
Introductory Price: $125
Martial Arts Training for Film and TV – 1 Handed Sword, Machete & Police Baton MASTERCOURSE
See All That Comes with it at –
Stunt fighting is fundamental to what stunt performers and stunt actors do. Yet you’ve probably learned by now empty hand stunt fighting is NOT enough! You need to know how to use weapons too! This course covers how to use the 1 handed sword, machete and police baton (as a police offer) so you can book those roles…and they’re always plenty of those! Plus how to cinematically use the baton and machete for military roles, martial arts movies and more.
Introductory Price: $125
Tactical Firearms Training for Film & TV – The ULTIMATE Sniper MASTERCOURSE (learn to play the roles of both a SWAT Sniper and a Navy Seal Sniper)
Book the roles of a SWAT or Military Sniper! You see them in a lot of the movies. Whenever a SWAT team is called out there’s usually a sniper! Heck even in most movies whenever good guys or villains pull out guns there’s usually someone on a rooftop with a sniper file. That could be you!
This amazing, complete all-in-one Sniper training course covers how to use bolt action sniper rifles as well as semi-automatic rifles. Plus learn ALL the skills you need to know as a military sniper for film and TV from gear selection (on the cheap), ghillie suit construction, sniper cape construction, stalking, hides, putting together your ‘Sniper Reel’, how to generate multiple income streams and more! Are you a veteran? Learn how to monetize your skills in film and TV.
Filmmakers How To Use Action / Stunts In Your Movie
So you’ve got a REALLY cool production in the works. Yet of course you have to be budget conscious. Wouldn’t it be great to know HOW TO DO the action or stunts in your project, what it entails and what it costs? PLUS cheap production hacks to get the same action done for pennies on the dollar? Sometimes without even using a stunt coordinator?
This is the full course that our team has taught at film schools around the country and to private students who paid TOP dollar for private coaching and were happy with the outcome! Now in one place is everything you need as a director, producer, DP, content creator, etc. to implement high level action sequences in your project.
The ‘Car Hit’ Masterclass
Like to give your production value a BOOST! Car hits radically increase production value, are significant plot points and can help to tell amazing stories…when you know how! We’re not talking about the boring, garden variety ‘stunt performer walks in front of car, gets hit and rolls off’. We’re talking heart stopping, gut wrenching car hits that are dramatic, artistic and actually emotionally move the audience.
Learn 7 ways to shoot high quality car hits without even using a stunt coordinator or stunt performer (sometimes)! You can’t google this information!